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Lost Dreams


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Lost Dreams, a collection of firsthand stories, depicts a wide variety of lost dreams. Twenty-three authors reveal their pain, confusion, and anger when the path they followed came to an unexpected end. For some contributors the dream shattered instantly; for others the dream crumbled over decades.
Through real-life stories you will see how others have endured their tribulations. The outcomes are as individual as each person and each experience. Some authors settled into acceptance, while others realized a new life purpose, yet all benefitted from introspection that emerged only as a result of a loss.
These stories acknowledge that we all suffer hurt and loss in our lives. This book offers a glimpse of what it's like to walk in another person's shoes. I hope it inspires compassion and tolerance for others as well as a deeper understanding of the grieving process, because grief is not limited to the loss of a loved one; it can hit us at any time, no matter the loss.
Did you know that Lost Dreams is now in the National Alliance for Mental Illness Library? I'm so grateful to be a writer in this project by Dawn Bell Publishing.